What if Dumbledore's idea of placing Harry Potter with an abusive family didn't turn out so well?
Voldemort's Children, my ongoing Harry Potter fanfic graphic novel, explores possible answers. It's about 80% complete, but is on hiatus while my hands recover from an injury.
Content warnings: This comic depicts verbal and physical abuse; physical violence, with occasional cartoon blood and gore; ableist language; negative self-talk; some discussion of suicide.
As you read the comic, each page will be marked with the warnings that apply to that page.

A Couple of Badass Superheroes go on a silly adventure. I wrote the first part September-December 2011 to get used to drawing using my tablet. (14 pages)

In People Are Wrong Sometimes, two friends are about to leave high school and part ways. But do they really know each other? (10 pages)
Content warnings: This comic depicts neurelitist statements; brief descriptions of bullying and violence; one instance of cartoon blood.