This one took me one hour.
– Eli
Approximate readability: -2.45 (23 characters, 7 words, 1 sentences, 3.29 characters per word, 7.00 words per sentence)Jeva's face is drawn large. Zir eyes are bright yellow.
JEVA (continuing from previous page): And as for my legal name... I don't have one. I'm an undocumented immigrant.
TRITIA: But wouldn't you still have a legal name in your country of origin?
JEVA: An undocumented immigrant from outer space.
Panel: Tritia looking confused while Jeva monologues.
JEVA: And we space aliens are ethically advanced and as such we have no need for a formal system of laws and regulations, much less a system for codifying individual identification in particular, which is only necessary wh---
Panel: Sam dives into Tritia from behind, knocking zem over.
(hide transcript)This one took me one hour.
– Eli
Approximate readability: -2.45 (23 characters, 7 words, 1 sentences, 3.29 characters per word, 7.00 words per sentence)