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PRESENT GRANGER: I had been in the bathroom, crying because of an insult that now seems insignificant–


PRESENT GRANGER: Hard to believe, I know. For what it's worth, I was only eleven. In the moments before the troll struck me, I recall screaming, irrationally hoping that someone would come through the door and save me.

This page consists of six panels.

Panel 1: The eleven-year-old Granger is in the bathroom, facing away from the door, with zir hands over zir face, as the troll walks in through the destroyed door. There is a sink between them.

Panel 2: The troll stands over Granger; Granger looks up at it with a horrified expression. The sink has been torn out of the wall, and the exposed pipes are spilling water out onto the floor.

Panel 3:

PRESENT GRANGER: As its hand crushed my arm, I finally understood that this was real, that no one would fight for me, and that if I did not fight for myself, I would die.

A close-up, X-ray view of the troll's hand on Granger's upper arm shows that the arm bone (specifically, the humerus) is broken. The troll's hand has only three fingers, which have fewer joints than a human hand. (However, humans have often been drawn with three fingers, too, just because of the simplified style.)

Panel 4:

An angular view of the troll from Granger's perspective, looming above zem. Granger desperately casts a Stunning Spell into the troll's eye.

PAST GRANGER: Stupefy! { The incantation of the Stunning Spell. }

Panel 5:

PRESENT GRANGER: I had made the wrong move, and I realized my mistake faster than you could say "crush asphyxia". But I had just enough breath for one more spell...

The troll is lying on top of Granger. The floor has been cracked where the troll fell. Granger points zir wand at the troll.

PAST GRANGER: Wingardium Leviosa. { The incantation of the Hover Charm, which levitates objects into the air. }

Panel 6: The troll is floating near the ceiling. Granger is trying to crawl away. Zir left arm, the broken one, is folding up under zem, and zir left hand is purplish.

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Eleven-year-old Granger already knew the term “crush asphyxia” because the Hillsborough disaster had been in the news a lot in the past year.

Approximate readability: 12.55 (114 characters, 25 words, 1 sentences, 4.56 characters per word, 25.00 words per sentence)