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An image of Granger sitting at a desk, doing paperwork. There's a parchment right in front of zem, and ze's about to write on it with a quill pen; to one side is a huge stack of pages, which is constantly being piled on by more that fall from the darkness above. Voldemort is standing behind Granger; Granger isn't looking at Voldemort, but with zir other hand, Granger is pointing zir wand over zir shoulder to conjure a bright magic shield to keep Voldemort away. The floor of the entire scene is covered in shallow water (so Granger's feet and the table and chair feet are in the water), and papers Granger is done with are falling off the side the table and into the water.

At the bottom is the chapter title:

The Daily Struggle for Dignity

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A slight change of pace.

It always takes me a while to come up with these visual metaphors, but I really like them once I finish them.

Approximate readability: 3.64 (105 characters, 27 words, 2 sentences, 3.89 characters per word, 13.50 words per sentence)