The virtue of Loyalty.
Approximate readability: 1.77 (18 characters, 4 words, 1 sentences, 4.50 characters per word, 4.00 words per sentence)PAST HARRY: The wound was infected before they let me out... Doctors had to take apart half my face to fix me.
We see Harry in the cupboard under the stairs, with very little light. Zir hands and arms are covered in blood, and zir face is messed up.
The narrative frame closes; we're back with past Harry in Hagrid's hut.
PAST HARRY: And now I have this... { ze points to zir mouth scar } The living proof of what they did... of what Dumbledore did to me.
Hagrid looks angry. All the characters' eyes are slightly reddish on this page. Hagrid's speech is drawn much larger than Harry's.
HAGRID: Harry...
PAST HARRY: Dumbledore used you! He made you bring me there and never let you see what you'd really done!
HAGRID: Maybe he jes' – jes' wanted –
PAST HARRY: I don't care what he wanted! He kept me there for ten years and hid it from everyone so that no one could–
HAGRID: Yeh're not ter talk about Albus Dumbledore like that in my house!
Past Harry leaves Hagrid's hut and closes the door behind zem.
PAST HARRY: Then I'll do it outside of your house!!!
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